Monday, September 20, 2010

Cello and Halo

The new Halo game came out.  Can you say addicting???  It's so addicting that I had conversations with multiple students (basically my male students!), about it.  Oh, and one of their parents.  Awesome.  The convo with one of my students' Dads pretty much went down like this:

Not Me:  Hi!  How are you?  How did Mike do in his lesson today?
Me:  I'm well, thanks!  We had a good lesson.  We are starting to work on shifting a lot, and I think he's getting the hang of it really quickly!  How are you doing?
Not Me:  I'm doing well, ready for the weekend.
Me:  Yeah, Mike says that you guys get to play Halo: Reach Saturday night!  He seems very excited about it.  I told him I'm jealous because I'm not sure when I will get to pick the game up and start playing.
Not Me:  Hahaha, yeah, we're pretty excited. 
Me:  It will be interesting to see what new stuff they're worked in to this one...  Especially with the weapons!
Not Me:  Yeah, they seem to add a bunch of new weapons to each game.
Me:  They also make them differ in terms of how much power they have.  Like from Halo 2 to Halo 3, the Needler get so much stronger!  It actually does some damage in 3!
Not Me:  Oh, we prefer the Plasma weapons. 
Me:  Plasmas are pretty cool.  Though I have to admit, I'm all about the melee.
Not Me:  Yes!  When in doubt, just hit B!

It was probably amazing.

But of course, as is the way of my life, with every cool thing that happens, one random stroke of bad/weird has to occur.  Take last night for example.  Something gave me an allergic reaction, and I have no idea what it was.  I hadn't eaten anything abnormal, hadn't been anywhere new, I didn't change my detergent or anything like that...  So the only thing I can think of is that I'm now allergic to life in general. 

In response to this (and the fact that I was up pretty much all night itching and worrying that I was going to stop breathing or something), I canceled my lesson for this morning.  Lo and behold, I wake up perfectly fine looking!  Still itchy and a bit loopy, but not as red or swollen.  Now this guy probably thinks I'm irresponsible or lazy...  And he hasn't gotten back to my email asking about a makeup, so that doesn't bode too well. 

However, I have pretty much figured out that I'm not meant to be a musician.  Sure I can teach (well, when I find students), but as far as gigs go, I must have done something to somebody and am currently on a black-list of some kind.  (I say "some" a lot - maybe that's why no one will hire me).

I think I need to just stick with playing with dogs...  Namely, mine.  At least she doesn't make me feel bad about my cello playing.

And we have an AGILITY TUNNEL!  Now, THAT is a good time right there. 

(Except when she gets distracted and goes off to chase a bug or chew on some grass - though as long as she doesn't say anything about my apparent lack of cello skills, all is forgiven!)

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