Friday, August 27, 2010


Yes, why.  Why am I going to torture people (well, theoretically people will read this) by writing a blog?  Probably because I'm bored and my mind tends to work at amazingly fast speeds.  The problem, however, is that I cannot often keep up with my own brain, therefore a lot of it gets wasted.

Initially, I wanted Justin (my husband, for those who do not know), to start a blog about his antics bothering people at work, on Facebook, at home (namely, me, and sometimes the dog), and pretty much wherever he is.  Of course, I'm also quite immature and laugh at all of this.  But he declined, because he works 21234018473018 hours a day. 

So I will be writing in his stead.  I may also regale those who end up reading this with amazing tales from my actual life.  

A little intro about myself:

I am currently a stay-at-home dog/ferret mom, and a part-time cellist and string teacher.  Justin and I are originally from a suburb of Philadelphia, PA, and were recently moved to Houston, TX.  I have a crazy big family, and life growing up was pretty much insane.  I have no clue how my parents continue to do what they do.  They're amazing people.

I'm also a perfectionist, a bit OCD, and perhaps a tad ADHD. 

And a chicken.  Of the "a speckles chicken" variety.

Welcome to my LiveJournal 2.0 Electric Boogaloo.

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