Saturday, August 28, 2010

So, what's with the chicken?

Being in a relationship is awesome.  You have someone to go to with all of your problems (no matter how silly they may be), they take care of you, give you presents, etc.  All good things.

But as we all know, relationships can also be difficult.  Meeting the parents/families, getting to know their friends, making sure things don't get boring...  Ah yes, and then there are the "pet names." 

Rewind to senior year of high school.  After going to mass every week for my entire life, I knew that the priest said something about blessing the various leaders of the church every week.  The first name of the Archbishop of Philadelphia was/is Justin.  So I thought of how silly it would be to put a nickname with that...  Say, "Justy-Bear."  Wouldn't that get a few laughs, even at a Catholic church?  I thought so. 

Of course, this translated to my then friend/sort of boyfriend-ish, now husband, Justin.  My best friend Tiffany and I started with Justy-Bear, then we just shortened it to Bear.  Or sometimes Justy.  We are pretty creative.

Somewhere along the line, after we started going out, Justin began calling me Beebs.  No clue where it came from, but it worked quite nicely.  Beebs and Bear.  Our mutual gamer friends loved it, and would use those names at every chance.  Usually saying them in funny voices.  We are now in college, BTW, and oh so mature.

Then came the discovery (well, rediscovery maybe?) of the song The Great Speckled Bird, sung by Johnny Cash (I guess it was a cover, because I don't think he was the one who wrote it...).  Now, I have actual freckles, AKA speckles.  And apparently, I resemble a bird.  Cool.  I'm really excited about that one.  Chicken somehow just happened, and The Speckles Chicken, or TSC, was born!  Our friend Jon had a lot to do with this, as he and Justin are like long-lost brothers or something.

After TSC had lost it's fervor, it was just shortened down to Bird, and later Brd.  And Bear became Br.  We don't like vowels. 

Banjo Kazooie is the pretty much the epitome of our lives together.

And this was playing most of the time I was typing.  That, and we are playing Halo.  By ourselves.  On a Saturday.  WE ARE THE COOLEST.


  1. What is most interesting is that if it weren't for my complete inability to focus on any one thing for more than 30 seco

  2. You forgot way too many names, the crab would be very offended if he wasn't currently sleeping. (Only because I waved my hands in front of his face) And you wouldn't be playing halo alone if you told someone you were going to play. There is nothing wrong with playing halo on a Saturday night if it includes making 8 year olds cry from being picked on or being muted before the game even starts.
